The USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience is actively recruiting new and existing faculty to jumpstart its convergent bioscience efforts. Drawn from across a broad spectrum of research fields, ranging from computational sciences and applied mathematics to nanoengineering and biology, this group of pioneers represents our human capital in the startup phase of convergence at USC. Diverse in age, ethnicity and expertise, they are already interacting and creating new collaborative interfaces and technological innovation spanning our entire science, engineering and medical enterprise.
(listed in alphabetical order)
Andrea Armani, Ph.D.
Ray Irani Chair in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering-Electrophysics, and Chemistry
James Boedicker, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Richard L. Brutchey, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Dani Byrd, Ph.D.
Professor of Linguistics
Vadim Cherezov, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy
Eun Ji Chung, Ph.D.
The Dr. Karl Jacob Jr. and Karl Jacob III Early Career Chair and Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Surgery, and Medicine
Moh El-Naggar, Ph.D.
Dean’s Professor of Physics and Astronomy, and Professor of Physics, Biological Sciences, and Chemistry
Stacey Finley, Ph.D.
Gordon S. Marshall Early Career Chair and Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Biological Sciences
Valery Fokin, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Peter Foster, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Scott E. Fraser, Ph.D.
Provost Professor of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Physiology and Biophysics, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Pediatrics, Radiology and Ophthalmology; Elizabeth Garrett Chair in Convergent Bioscience; Director of Science Initiatives
Cornelius Gati, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biology
Kandis Leslie Gilliard-AbdulAziz, Ph.D.
Pasqual and Adelina Arpea Early Career Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Justin Haldar, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering
James Hicks, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Biological Sciences
Khalil Iskarous, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Rehan Kapadia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vsevolod Katritch, Ph.D.
Professor of Quantitative and Computational Biology and Chemistry
Steve Kay, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Director of Convergent Bioscience and Provost Professor of Neurology, Biomedical Engineering and Biological Sciences
Carl Kesselman, Ph.D.
Dean’s Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Director, Center for Discovery Informatics; Information Sciences Institute Fellow
Mercedeh Khajavikhan, Ph.D.
IBM Early Career Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yasser Khan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Judith Kribelbauer-Swietek
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Peter Kuhn, Ph.D.
University Professor of Biological Sciences, Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, and Urology.
Gianluca Lazzi, Ph.D.
Provost Professor of Ophthalmology, Electrical Engineering, Clinical Entrepreneurship and Biomedical Engineering; Fred H. Cole Professorship in Engineering
Jeremy Mason, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Research, Department of Urology
Charles E. McKenna, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry & Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ellis Meng, Ph.D.
Dwight C. and Hildagarde E. Baum Chair in Biomedical Engineering
Shrikanth Narayanan, Ph.D.
University Professor and Niki & C. L. Max Nikias Chair in Engineering; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Neuroscience, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, and Pediatrics; Research Director, Information Science Institute; Director, Ming Hsieh Institute
Krishna S. Nayak, Ph.D.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Radiology; Director, Dynamic Imaging Science Center; Director, Signal and Image Processing Institute; Director, Magnetic Resonance Engineering Laboratory
Niema Pahlevan, Ph.D.
Gordon S. Marshall Early Career Chair in Engineering and Associate Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Medicine
Matthew Robert Pratt, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Jayakanth Ravichandran, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering; Philip and Cayley MacDonald Endowed Early Career Chair
Richard W. Roberts, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Professor of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering
Remo Rohs, Ph.D.
Professor of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy, and Computer Science
Maryam Shanechi, Ph.D.
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Early Career Chair and Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering – Systems, Biomedical Engineering, and Computer Science
Andrew Steen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology (Marine and Environmental Biology)
Terry Takahashi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor (Research) of Chemistry
Ye Tian, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jennifer Treweek, Ph.D.
WiSE Gabilan Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Peter Yingxiao Wang, Ph.D.
Dwight C. and Hildagarde E. Baum Chair in Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Molecular Microbiology & Immunology
Kate White, Ph.D.
Gabilan Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Director, Pancreatic Beta Cell Consortium (PBCC)
Yaoheng (Mack) Yang
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Cristina Zavaleta, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Wade Zeno, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science