Dean’s Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Director, Center for Discovery Informatics; Information Sciences Institute Fellow
Carl Kesselman leads Information Sciences Institute’s Informatics research initiatives area. Created to help transform the discovery processes, practice and delivery of healthcare worldwide, informatics spans grid computing, information security, service-oriented architectures, and imaging and medical informatics.
Kesselman is an ISI Fellow, the Institute’s highest honor. One of the fathers of grid computing and the GLOBUS open-source toolbox, now the de facto grid computing standard, he has received numerous honors for his pioneering research. Kesselman and medical researcher Stephan Erberich developed Globus MEDICUS, a revolutionary grid system that enables physicians to exchange high-resolution medical images online.
Kesselman also is chief scientist of Univa Corp., a high-performance computing systems management and data center automation software provider he co-founded. He joined ISI in 1997 as a USC Computer Science Department research associate professor. Kesselman received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Los Angeles.